Oxford City Stars have teamed up with Oxfordshire Mind to help the community during lockdown.
The Stars and Oxfordshire Mind have launched a mental health awareness campaign designed to provide people advice around managing lockdown and encouraging people to talk. The ice hockey club will be sharing the advice and support across this week via social media.
Recent national research by Mind found more than 60% of adults and more than two-thirds of young people felt their mental health deteriorated during COVID-19.
Greig Box Turnbull, director of Oxford City Stars said: “Looking after mental health individually and collectively has always be important. But the effects of COVID-19 has now made it more important than ever to raise awareness, encourage conversations and provide support.
“As a club we wanted to use our reach to help increase awareness of Oxfordshire Mind’s services as widely as possible. We’re encouraging our supporters to share the messages, look out for each other and if you need further support please contact Oxfordshire Mind who can help.”
Dean Birrell, head coach of Oxford City Stars added: “We know how challenging it is now and as a club we want to help support our fans and the wider community. Also, as a club we want to make sure we are open and supportive of each other and use Oxfordshire Mind’s advice internally as well.”
Dan Knowles CEO of Oxfordshire Mind said: “Mental health is incredibly important, and the pandemic is placing huge amounts of stress on our mental health.
“COVID-19 has affected the lives and routines of most of us and Stars fans and staff will be missing match-days and the sense of community and identity the club provides. And with matches currently not taking place it further reduces some of the things they do to keep well.
“We’re delighted to have partnered with the Stars, like ourselves they are committed to supporting its community. This partnership will help us increase our awareness and the information the club will be sharing will be everyday tips that can help people support themselves and others.”
Oxfordshire Mind is designed to make sure anyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.
To access information on how to maintain your personal wellbeing during COVID-19 visit:
You can donate to Oxfordshire Mind via www.oxfordshiremind.org.uk/donate/
If you require additional advice or support contact the Oxfordshire Mind Information Service by either emailing info@oxfordshiremind.org.uk, calling 01865 247788 or visiting the website.